a secure job

美 [ə sɪˈkjʊr dʒoʊb]英 [ə sɪˈkjʊə(r) dʒəʊb]
  • 网络铁饭碗
a secure joba secure job
  1. Giving up a secure job seems to be the height of folly .


  2. Have a secure job in the civil service .


  3. She is my sin is said to have got a secure job in a big firm .


  4. Lucky school and university leavers get a secure job for the rest of their career .


  5. He said that leaving a secure job for'The twilight world of pop music'was a mistake .


  6. Is " better off " finding a secure job that you can count on for the rest of your life ?


  7. In case of cash advance , you would need to show only your bank account number and proof of a secure job .


  8. We found a secure job and conventional way of life , so that we become one big machine , the Lo teeth .


  9. Jing ` s age and social standing prevent the two from being together until she graduates and gets a secure job in the city .


  10. You 've got a secure job in the army , whereas in civvy street you can get thrown out any time .


  11. Can we commit to staying in a secure 9-to-5 job rather than starting the business we 've always dreamed of ?


  12. The other option is a secure and cushy job .


  13. But most also believe that spending three or four years at university - and accumulating huge debts in the process - will boost their chances of landing a well-paid and secure job .


  14. Indeed , Mr Mikitani must have had " guts " when he decided to leave a prestigious , secure job at the Industrial Bank of Japan to strike out on his own .


  15. After graduation from the university , he entered a state-owned enterprise , which was a secure job regarded as iron bowl at that time .


  16. In some areas five years as a postdoc is now a prerequisite for landing a secure full-time job .


  17. A concrete example of this dilemma is whether to take a secure job that pays well or to pursue a career that you feel compelled to pursue .


  18. In Canada 80 % of postdocs earn $ 38600 or less per year before tax - the average salary of a construction worker . The rise of the postdoc has created another obstacle on the way to an academic post . In some areas five years as a postdoc is now a prerequisite for landing a secure full-time job .
